Synth CDK app to Custom Bucket
Some AWS customers don’t use the CLI, and will not grant an external contractor CLI access. Trying to get access is a waste of time and resources. Do not fear, there is a solution!
Some AWS customers don’t use the CLI, and will not grant an external contractor CLI access. Trying to get access is a waste of time and resources. Do not fear, there is a solution!
Update 2/7/2022: Read Synth CDK app to Custom Bucket instead. Consulting requires you to work within the client’s parameters. Some clients have internal standards and want you to deliver your white-label CDK app as CloudFormation. Call me old fashioned but…
I was deploying an IAM user policy using AWS CloudFormation and granted CRUD access to the bucket, but the user could not rename or move a file using the web console.
Writing CloudFormation or SAM templates by hand is very powerful, but can also be quite frustrating without a good IDE setup…
AWS is taking over the wold. So it’s time we had a workshop to learn it. -Damian Montero, FloridaJS
While working on a multi-stack AWS SAM package I came across this rather obscure error: Error: Unable to upload artifact ../../spa-hosting.yaml referenced by Location parameter of Hosting resource. ‘S3Uploader’ object is not subscriptable
Effort is not work. Carrying a piano up the stairs is the same amount of work as using an elevator, but tremendously more effort. Your focus should be on delivering quality code, not the intricacies of deployments. It should be as easy as: Deploy Infrastructure Deploy Code Repeat as necessary