Tag: HowTo

Prefill a HubSpot Form in a React App

I have a React App with a HubSpot contact form. The user must be logged into submit the form so I wanted to prefill their email address. Fortunately, HubSpot Forms API provides a onFormReady callback!

Track HubSpot Form Conversion

I was working a Google AdWords campaign for Mind-Wellness.net and I wanted to track when a user submitted the contact form. I generated the static site using Hugo, and I am relying on HubSpot for the

AWS Chime StartBotConversation Service Limit

I am working on a Amazon Chime application that provides natural language and GenAI features to a legacy phone system. After deploying the app into a new account, I got the following error in my SMA Lambda Handler when trying to invoke the Amazon Lex bot:

How to Deploy CDK Using Lambda

I really like the declarative nature of CloudFormation - you describe an end-state, and it computes the diffs. CDK gives me even more flexibility in creating complex apps. Recently I built a CDK web a

CDK Construct for Athena DynamoDB Connector

The AWS Athena connector for DynamoDB enables you to query data stored in Amazon DynamoDB using Amazon Athena, which is typically used to query structured data in S3 using standard SQL. Since DynamoDB

AWS SAM Multi-Region Packaging Script

I use this bash loop to package an AWS SAM template to multiple regions. This script stages the CloudFormation template and assets in a regional bucket. You can share the bucket with other accounts vi

AWS Athena SAM Policies

AWS Athena provides SQL queries over S3 data. The service depends on S3, Glue, and Athena itself so getting permissions set up can be tricky. Here is what worked for me.

AWS Serverless Workshop at FloridaJS

I had the honor of presenting an AWS Workshop at my local JavaScript User Group - FloridaJS. It was a short session on building serverless web applications on AWS.

Assume Role with MFA

CLI Assume Role with MFA (assume-role-mfa.sh)This script will assume a cross-account role using your MFA device and output the credentials into a named profile. 1234567891011121314151617181920212223#!

Assume Cross Account AWS Role

Unlike an embarrassing Facebook post, developers can’t simply say “That wasn’t me, I got hacked” and expect it all to go away… Sarcasm aside, security without passwords is not only convenient, it keeps the password from landing in the wrong hands.