FloridaJS: Amazon Connect and Lex

I will be presenting at FloridaJS on Amazon Connect and Lex.

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This is an IN-PERSON event

AI from the big three providers can make it a snap to quickly create what you need before trying to roll it yourselves.

This month: Ivan Bliskavka, a 7x Amazon Web Services Certified, will show us Amazon Lex and Connect to see what you can do with these services.

Amazon Lex is a Natural Language Understanding chat/voice bot that can simplify a complex inbound phone menu system by matching common phrases (and their variants) with user intents.


  • Create an Amazon Connect instance and claim a phone number.
  • Create a simple touch-tone menu that can route the call to the appropriate agent.
    • i.e.: Press 1 for purchasing, press 2 for technical support, and press 3 for the billing department.
  • Enhance the menu by replacing it with an Amazon Lex Bot, which understands natural language to route to the appropriate agent.
    • i.e.: “Connect me to purchasing”, “I want to buy ${x}”, or “I need a quote on ${x}” will route to the purchasing department.
    • i.e.: “I need help”, “My ${x} is not working”, or “This computer is stupid” will route to the helpdesk.